Safety is one of the most important ways that we take care of each other at OUUC.
COVID-19 Safety: We are mask optional. This means that each person has the choice to wear a mask or not and masks are welcome. We remind you to please join us online if you have any symptoms.
Emergency Preparedness: OUUC has an Emergency Preparedness Team and strives to be prepared for all types of emergencies. If you have a question, feedback, or are interested in joining the emergency preparedness team, a staff member can get you connected with the team.
Safer Congregations Policy and Team: One of the most important aspects of safety in a faith community is to have healthy sexual boundaries and keep our young ones safe. OUUC has a safer congregations policy (p. 80 here) to provide us with guidelines for maintaining safety at OUUC, and a Safe Congregations Response Team that responds to concerns. If you have any questions or you would like to get in touch with the Safer Congregations Team, contact Rev. Sara at DFCD@ouuc.org
General Safety Concerns: If you notice a safety concern at OUUC, please contact a staff member right away.
Thanks for your care for our community.