The LDC operates independently of the Board and other committees and has 3 primary roles:
- to prepare a diverse, inclusive, and representative candidate list of congregation members for election of Board and LDC members
- to identify members with leadership potential and both encourage and support their skills and involvement in congregational affairs
- to develop an annual leadership training plan
Current Members of the LDC:

Nancy Curtiss is a retired educator and high school counselor. An OUUC member since 2008, she moved to Olympia from Arlington, WA, where she and her husband Denys belonged to Evergreen UU Fellowship. She served on the Share the Plate, Social Action, and Stewardship committees. She is currently co-leading a Soul Matters Group, preparing Meals for the Shelter, and is a member of the Welcome Team and the OUUC Buddhist group. She is a co-leader of the local chapter of RESULTS, an advocacy movement committed to influencing political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. She believes each of us is a leader in our own right with gifts to develop and share in covenant with one another.

Josie Solseng joined OUUC in 2014. The UU principle of the inherent worth and dignity of every person inspires and touches her deeply. Josie served on the Pastoral Care Team for 8 years and designed its brochure. She has also been part of the Books, Brownies, and Beans committee, serving for 5 years as the Internal Communications Lead. She has participated in worship services as a musician and guest presenter. Currently, she participates in the Sewing Ministry, the Auction, Caring Friends, Community Dinners, and the Buddhist Sangha.

Gail Gosney Wrede has lived in Olympia and been a member of OUUC for over 30 years. She became a Unitarian Universalist in the mid-1980’s. At OUUC, Gail has been a member and chair of the RE committee, served on the Board of Trustees (Board Chair in 2013), the LDC (2023-25), the Pastoral Care Committee, Worship Arts, Endowment Committee, Stewardship Committee, Adult Faith Development, Share the Plate Committee, Memorial Services team, Ushers and Greeters, and the Auction Committee. Unitarian Universalism has served as the foundation for Gail’s spiritual beliefs, social services work, her commitment to community service and involvement and her foundational belief in democracy and active citizenship.

Anne Kohlbry began attending OUUC in 2007, appreciating that all are welcome and all spiritual traditions are valued as sources of truth and meaning — “we don’t have to think alike to love alike.” Since becoming a member in 2014, she has taught new member and RE classes and supported the Stewardship Team, Auction Committee, and Books, Brownies, and Beans. She currently serves on the Leadership Development Committee (LDC), Worship Arts Team, Welcome Team, and Caring Friends. She participates in OUUC’s Soul Matters groups, Death Café, Buddhist sangha, and Thursday community dinners. OUUC has become both a spiritual refuge and catalyst for her personal growth and civic engagement.

Des McGahern, a native of Ireland, has been living in Olympia for 26 years. Des and his wife Martha have been members of OUUC since 1999. He has a background in leadership development and operations management. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees as well as on other committees throughout his time at OUUC.