Find a team to be part of!
Being a part of a team is a great way to find greater connection and engagement with a small group of people who share similar interests. Some teams are by application or invitation, and others are open to all. All are doing good work and are a great way to go deeper with your engagement at OUUC.
Here are current ministry teams in the congregation. For questions or to contact team leads contact Rev Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development.
Ushers and Greeters Team
Teams of 3-4 people are needed every Sunday
Team lead: Jen Sabel
Coffee Team
Teams of 2-3 people are needed to serve coffee and care for the kitchen on Sunday mornings
Team lead: Julie Rosmond
Member Engagement Team
The team meets monthly to plan and support the programs and activities that help people become engaged with the congregation
Team lead: Rev Sara
Thursday Dinner Team
Teams of 4-6 people are needed for cooking and setting up the dining room for dinner each Thursday.
Team lead: Rev Sara
Memorial Receptions Team
Help with setting up and providing food for memorial services.
Team Lead: Melanie Ransom
Worship Arts Team
Help co-create worship. This team is by application/invitation.
Team Lead: Rev Mary Gear
Pastoral Care Team
Help care for our community by providing pastoral care. This team is by application/invitation.
Team Lead: Rev Mary Gear
Caring Friends
Caring Friends is a communication list to let people know when there is a need in our community, such as meals, rides, or other help.
Team lead: Wendy Tanner
Buildings and Grounds Team
This team works together to care for our facility and grounds.
Team lead: Jerald Dodson
Adopt a Plot Team
This team cares for our grounds and gardens.
Team lead: Lynne MacDonald
Stewardship Team
This team works to raise the funds and pledges needed to fund the works of OUUC.
Team lead: Zoe Myers
Tech Team
This team supports worship and other events with audio, visual, and live-streaming technology support.
Team lead: Teresa Madsen
Children and Youth Programs
Volunteers are needed to assist in the children and youth programs. Must be able to pass a background check, this position is by application/invitation only.
Team Lead: Rev Sara Lewis
Adult Faith Development Team
This team plans and supports the adult faith development classes offered. The team is by application/invitation.
Team lead: Linda Selsor
Book Sale Team
Join the team putting on our annual Books, Beans, and Brownies sale that fundraises for nonprofit partner organizations.
Team Lead: Pam Davidson
Environmental Action Team
This team meets monthly to plan and steer OUUC’s work for environmental justice and sustainability.
Team lead: Wendy Steffensen
Economic Justice Team
This team meets monthly to plan and support OUUC’s work for advocacy and action in support of greater economic justice in the world.
Team lead: Rev Sara Lewis
Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression Team
This team meets monthly to plan and support our work for anti-racism and anti-oppression.
Team lead: Rev Sara Lewis
Sewing Ministry
Sewing Ministry creates sewed items in support of OUUC’s ministry, such as wall hangings for the sanctuary, lap quilts for folks who could use a “warm hug,” pride flags, stoles, and items for the annual fundraising auction. We welcome sewists of all skill levels, usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 12:30 – 3:30.
Group contacts: Wendy Tanner & Claudia McNeill.