A Covenant of Promises and Dreams: A Community Inquiry in Preparation for the Installation of Our Settled Minister On November 6, 2021, the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation will gather together with members and supporters of our larger community to celebrate the Installation of our Settled Minister, Reverend Mary Gear. This Installation ceremony, to be held […]
General Assembly 2021: Bylaws Revisions
This year, like last year, the Annual General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association was all virtual, meaning that I and all the thousands of other attendees and delegates met on a virtual platform for worship, business meetings, and workshops. There was business to be done: the election of new board members to the UUA, […]
General Assembly Wrap-Up
Last week several of us attended the Unitarian Universalist Association’s general Assembly, the annual and largest gathering of UU’s. This year’s virtual GA had thousands of people join from around the world. In addition to many wonderful worship services and workshops, here’s a summary of the work done at GA by the delegates from congregations. […]
Save the Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 1 pm. We plan both virtual and in-person participation at The United Churches in Olympia. So, what’s an installation? It’s a ritual of covenanting between a minister and a congregation that includes a worship service and a celebration. Typically, an installation happens in the first or second […]
Sara’s Sabbatical Plans
I will be away on sabbatical from July 5-September 1, and then again Feb-April next year. What does that mean? Well, a sabbatical is a time away from regular work, supported by the congregation, for study and renewal. As part of my contract with OUUC, I’m eligible for sabbatical every five years, and I last […]