Across the globe, many of the etymological roots of the word ‘play’ locate it in the visceral: ludere in Latin refers to leaping fishes and fluttering birds. The Anglo-Saxon lâcan means to move like a ship on the waves, or to tremble like a flame. The Sanskrit kridati also, as in Germanic languages, describes the […]
Watch: Justice Innovation and Racial Equity in Thurston County – Online Community Forum
This online forum was held May 26, 2021 Thurston County is now home to several innovative justice programs. In this forum, you will hear about these programs’ progress, their plans for the future, and how the programs may affect the significant disparity in Thurston County’s minority arrest and incarceration rates. A question-and-answer session will […]
An OUUC Website Redesign Update – June 1
It has been an eventful Spring at OUUC, and now that some big milestones have passed (like the auction and our Vision/Mission/Ends project), you might be wondering: “Hey, what about that website redesign?” We embarked on this journey with a solid plan and high hopes. We quickly discovered the migration process (transferring all our current […]
What’s Your Story?
This month’s Soul Matters theme was “Story”, and one of the intriguing exercises in the Soul Matters packet was to tell your life story in one sentence. If you haven’t given it a try, I encourage you to do it. It’s a fun and insightful exercise. What’s Your Sentence? Author and motivational expert, Daniel Pink […]
Re-Opening OUUC – the Building
“I know this rose will open. I know my fear will burn away. I know my soul will unfurl its wings. I know this rose will open.” ~ by Mary Grigolia in Singing the Living Tradition #396 When are we going to be back in person again? It’s the question on our minds and hearts. […]