Every Sunday this Fall we’ve sung a benediction to close the service written by Doug McCrea that begins: “How bountiful the blessings that surround us…”
This song helps me remember that, even now and perhaps especially now, there are bountiful blessings in my life. Amidst the many losses and grief of this time, there is still joy and many blessings. I am grateful for my husband and family, for a new home, for the opportunity minister to and with you. I am grateful for a governor who follows science, for neighbors who wear masks, and for those working so hard to create and distribute a vaccine. I am grateful for generosity and friendship and my neighbor’s brightly colored holiday lights.
My wish is that you find moments of joy and gratitude this holiday season. Yes, there are losses. May you find blessings, too.
I have two videos to share this week that offer blessings. The first is a blessing for the holiday from Rev. Susan Fredrick-Gray, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. You can find the video here.
The second is titled “Queer Morning Blessing,” written by Dori Midnight & Randy Furash- Stewart. It is offered by many who identify as queer, celebrating the beauty of diversity and the holiness of all bodies. Especially for those who identify as queer, may you relish your beauty and receive this blessing in your body and spirit. You can find the blessing here.
Wishing you blessings on your week.
Rev. Mary