We’ll gather in all the ways that we can on September 12 to begin another congregational program year together! School begins, the rain begins, the church year begins, again. As has been the tradition at OUUC and many UU congregations, we mark our ingathering with a water communion; we mingle water from our summer activities, and we build community once more. On Sunday, September 12 at […]
Why Are We Here Again?
If you saw the Weekly Update from Tuesday, you’ve seen that we have decided to postpone several things due to the high rate of COVID transmission in Thurston County and everywhere. And it’s the fun stuff, like the congregational picnic and the installation. Why is it always the fun stuff? You might hear a bit […]
Installation Update
I have written before about the ritual of installation, the covenanting that happens between a congregation and a called or settled minister. Many people have been working to have my installation at OUUC happen on Nov. 6, 2021. This past week, the Board and I agreed to delay the installation until June 2022. I know this is yet another […]
Sanctuary Update
The OUUC sanctuary has been a busier place than usual lately, so I thought an update on activities might be helpful. Who was in the sanctuary on Sunday? Last Sunday, August 8, there were more people in the Sanctuary for the service than we’ve seen for a while. In addition to the musicians and worship leaders, members of the Health […]
“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” ~ C.S. Lewis As a culture we don’t tend to be very good at grief, and this past year+ has been a time of grief. We have mourned the loss of loved ones, of trust in institutions, of certainty, and sometimes of hope. What […]