Save the Date: Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 1 pm. We plan both virtual and in-person participation at The United Churches in Olympia. So, what’s an installation? It’s a ritual of covenanting between a minister and a congregation that includes a worship service and a celebration. Typically, an installation happens in the first or second […]
“Circle ‘Round”… It’s Almost Time!
Next week is the annual Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA), when UUs from around the world gather to worship, learn, and act together. I will be attending as will Sara, Darlene, and Jo from the OUUC staff, and some OUUC congregants will attend, too. This year’s GA theme is based on hymn #155 in […]
Being A Loving Community
The new OUUC vision is “a loving, just and healthy world.” We seek to live out our mission in the larger world and within our own community. Today’s Spark has two ways that we do this in our ministry together and to each other. First, Wendy Tanner writes about Caring Friends, one of the ways that […]
Be Alive
Across the globe, many of the etymological roots of the word ‘play’ locate it in the visceral: ludere in Latin refers to leaping fishes and fluttering birds. The Anglo-Saxon lâcan means to move like a ship on the waves, or to tremble like a flame. The Sanskrit kridati also, as in Germanic languages, describes the […]
Beloved Community
As I reflect on this month’s spiritual theme of beloved community, I find myself circling back to what prevents us from being in beloved community. There are personal or individual factors: pride, ego, experiences of hurt and trauma, what we have been taught and what has been reinforced. Even harder are the larger social and […]