Each June Unitarian Universalists from around the world gather to worship, learn and act together at General Assembly (GA). This tradition has been happening since 1962, the year after the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) was formed. This year’s GA will be held on June 23-27 with the theme of “Circle ‘Round for Justice-Healing-Courage.” Although […]
Becoming Human
The spiritual theme for this month is “Becoming.” It’s a timely theme for Spring as those of us in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy the return of the light and watch seeds and sprouts become plants and bushes, and flowers bloom. It is also a theme that reflects where OUUC is now as we reimagine […]
It’s All Connected
I often say that everything is connected. It’s not only my theology, but also the 7th Unitarian Universalist principle. The thing is, the interconnection of everything means that both good and evil can travel throughout the interconnected web of all existence. That is how I view the evil of racism. I believe that racism underlies […]
Commitment and the 8th Principle
Correction: In last Sunday’s service, I said that the 8th principle was proposed to be added to the Unitarian Universalist 7 principles by Black Lives UU (BLUU). The 8th principle was developed and written by Paula Cole Jones and Bruce Pollack-Johnson, and they were to first to encourage the Unitarian Universalist Association to adopt it. […]
Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent in the Christian calendar, the 40 days that lead up to Easter Sunday. Lent recognizes the 40 days that Jesus wandered in the desert after he was baptized by John the Baptist and before he started his ministry. The story says that, in those days wandering in […]