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Addiction and Recovery Ministry: Recovery Dharma
Recovery Dharma is a trauma-informed, peer-based support network inspired by the Buddhist principles of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Recovery Dharma welcomes all addictions, whether it’s substance addictions (drugs/alcohol/prescription) or process addictions (everything else—food, games, lust, love, technology, gambling, people, or any habit or repetitive behavior that causes suffering.) Recovery Dharma believes anyone can transcend their suffering and recover from all types of addictions. This is a community and program of empowerment and doesn’t ask us to believe in anything other than our own potential to change and heal.
A Recovery Dharma sangha (community) called “No Rain, No Rainbows” is meeting at OUUC every Wednesday from 5:30 – 7 pm, and it’s open to anyone who’s interested in exploring these concepts with us.
For more info on Recovery Dharma in general, check out
For questions about this OUUC sangha, please contact
Caregivers & Grief Group
Caregivers is a monthly gathering of OUUC members and friends who are the primary caregivers of a family member or loved one. Meeting on the second Thursday of each month, from 10:00 – 11:30 am, members share their stories, learn of resources available to caregivers, and provide emotional and spiritual support to each other during this time in their lives. New members are always welcome; Contact Rev. Carol McKinley.