The Partner Church Team at OUUC is committed to living out our UU principles through our covenant with the Unitarian congregation in the village of Kissolymos (KEESH shoye mosh) (Transylvania), Romania: to promote enduring relationships with the people of our partner congregation, to grow in our faith, and to build the worldwide community of Unitarian and Unitarian Universalist congregations around the world.
The Partner Church ministry of OUUC began over 25 years ago with a covenant and has grown and nurtured a mutual and supportive relationship with the Unitarian congregation in Kissolymos, Romania.
OUUC plans future collaboration with the UUA in an effort to form a new Partner Church organization. The former organization was dissolved 12/31/2021. However, you can still access the resources and information from the former UUPCC website at:
Our ministry sponsors multiple activities to support our mission. These include:
- Providing scholarships for students from Kissolymos to attend high school
- Financially support projects benefitting the Unitarian congregation in Kissolymos through share the plat offerings, special events, and sale of lacework
- Sponsoring individuals to travel to Olympia for a time of fellowship and mutual learning
- Annually hosting the Balázs scholar from Starr King Seminary
- Educate and inspire OUUC members and friends about Partner Church through Sunday worship services and other educational gatherings
- Organizing, with the assistance of the UUPCC, historical pilgrimages of members and friends of OUUC to visit Transylvania in Romania to learn about the roots of the UU religion and make personal connections with the Kissolymos congregation and minister
Our most recent pilgrimage was in the fall of 2019. We will start planning for future visits as soon as it is safe to do so. To learn more about these pilgrimages, you may want to view Rick Brandt-Kreutz’s presentation from the “Travel That Transforms” class.
Join the Partner Church Team! You can find contact information for Richard Brandt-Kreuz on Realm/OUUC Connect. New team members are always welcome! We meet throughout the year and as frequently as needed depending on the projects at hand.