In early March, OUUC members are invited to take part in an online congregational visioning retreat, stretched across three sessions:
- Fri, March 5, 6:30 to 8:30
- Sun, March 7, 1:30 to 4:00
- Sun, March 14, 1:30 to 4:00.
Over the course of these sessions, congregation-members will share stories and insights from the best of OUUC, toward clarifying the values that will define a new vision, mission, and ends for the next chapter of OUUC.
On the first (Friday, March 5) session, after some icebreaking relationship-building, consultant Jake Morrill will give a report, summarizing and framing all the input that has been received, so far.
On the second session (Sunday, March 7), in small groups, people will be invited to share stories of OUUC at its best, and then extract themes from those stories; back in the main group, as these themes are shared, people will explore the resonance between them.
A week later, on Sunday, March 14, the group will begin with those central, guiding themes from the first Sunday, and collectively move toward a clearer sense of priorities for the future, drawn from the best of the past.
To make an online experience meaningful and engaging for a large group, as well as break-out rooms for engaged conversation, attendees will be invited to access a Padlet (online sticky-note board) and also a Google Doc.