Last Saturday, October 3rd, more than 20 interested folks gathered to discuss our Faith in Action ministry at OUUC and envision the work we are called to do here and in the larger world. Everyone brought a rich background of experience and passion and shared their individual visions to create a collage of our collective vision. You can see that vision board here.
From the vision board, participants wrote these lovely statements:
Honor our interconnection and share with love to dismantle white supremacy culture so we all may live
We envision a world that respects and ensures the humanity of each person and is committed to the preservation of the earth and all life on it.
We seek to manifest a world where all people are loved valued respected and free from oppression poverty and injustice by acting with love to tear down systems of poverty and inequality
A just and hopeful society
Work with our congregation and allies to advocate for justice issues, keep our focus on issues that resonate out to the 7th generation with an emphasis on sustainability
To work with others to help bring about personal, legal, and environmental justice in the lives of all beings on our earth
Build a movement of allies to work for system reform that provides justice, peace, equity, and reparations for all, for the earth, and generations to come
To use OUUC’s collective love, skills, values & resources to address inequality/oppression locally through direct action and systemically within social institutions.
Weaving our diverse hopes, bring strength for loving actions of justice Changing systems, one building block at a time, with the goal of increasing equity and reducing racism, starting with our own community.
We are answering the call of love: hands joined together as hearts beat as one, emboldened by faith we dare to proclaim, we are answering the call of love.
We envision an interconnected world of justice and universal compassion for all beings now and into the future
Reaching out to do whatever gets people together— Respect for individuals, understanding and respecting differences, promoting justice regardless of gender, philosophy, racial and ethical differences. Involves learning about white supremacy, gender differences inequality, education and shared values.
We seek balance, sustainability, and connection between ourselves and others as we work toward the intersectionality of justice for all
Put our 7 principles in action by bringing about changes that impact individual lives as well as change systems that marginalize, oppress, endanger democracy. civil rights and our planet.
We use multigenerational alliances and knowledge to make systemic and systematic change in the issues of racism, poverty, criminal justice, and the need for effective leadership in our community.
At OUUC our collective Faith in Action Vision is of a world where we maximize our collective, positive impact through compassionate acts of service, intersectional ally-ship, striving for justice and working to educate ourselves about and dismantle systems of oppression.
We work to be leaders in advocacy in the capital city and in anit-oppression. FIA at OUUC strengthens personal relationships and builds connection with allies and the larger community.
With a loving vision of a balanced and sustainable world, OUUC’s justice work connects with urgent needs in community. We understand that we grow in love for future generations when we strategically address root causes of inequity like colonialism and racism
We will personally share our values St Francis: pray ceaselessly, use words if necessary. Daily prayer of the 7 principles and justice for all persons and species for the next 7 generations
We collectively and individually personify the Christian teaching: love your neighbor as yourself
Out of our work of finding unity on Division St we manifest a world of respect for all interconnected beings
Facilitation of repair of the planet, restoration of democracy, with justice and equality for all Social Justice!
The Faith in Action Leadership Team heard these visions and saw three rise up as our top issues:
1. Climate Change and Sustainability to the 7th Generation
2. Poverty and Economic Injustice
3. Racism and White Supremacy Culture
In addressing these issues, we plan to pursue a three-prong approach:
1. Hands-On Direct Action
2. Education and Awareness Raising
3. Systems Change and Advocacy
What do you think? What visions do you have for our Faith in Action work? Please send feedback to Sara Lewis.