You know that I am one to have Plan B ready. I’m not sure what letter of the alphabet we’re on now, but I do know we’re past B! We will keep making the best decisions we can with flexibility and grace as we make our way through whatever comes our way. Thank you to the OUUC staff, the Health & Safety Team, and the Worship Arts Team for helping to sort through the options and information.
In developing this latest plan, our goals are to:
- Prioritize safety and inclusion
- Offer both in-person and online options for attending worship services
- Have reasonable expectations for volunteers and staff
- Give us time to recruit and train volunteers as needed
- Give us time to complete the HVAC upgrade so the air quality in the sanctuary is good
- Give us time to install new technology in the sanctuary
With that in mind, here’s what we are planning for Sunday worship services in September and October.
- Stay with one service at 10:00 am at least until the HVAC work in the sanctuary is done; the estimated completion date is the end of October.
- Hold the September 12 Water Communion service outside at OUUC, using a reservation system for as many people as possible with current guidance.
- If we are able, continue to hold services outside at OUUC for as long as the weather holds. Move into the sanctuary when needed.
- In the sanctuary, use a reservation system for as many people as is reasonable in the space and according to current OUUC guidance, which is currently under revision. This may be a small number to begin.
- Offer nursery care for those families who attend in person. Determine the maximum number of young ones we can safely have in the nursery space and require reservations, separate from sanctuary reservations. Prioritize the youngest children for nursery care.
- Consider in-person children’s religious education will be at the same time as the service, starting at 10:15 am so kids can be in the sanctuary for the story if they want to be.
- Recognizing Zoom fatigue for families, Rev. Mary and Sara will meet with parents to discuss what will best meet the needs of their families in person and perhaps online.
- Mary and Sara will meet with the youth and their parents to discuss what best meets their needs.
These plans may change in the weeks ahead as conditions and guidance change, especially as it relates to children under 12. Later in the Fall, we can decide about moving to more services when the HVAC is done, taking current conditions and other factors into account.
We’ll be posting reservation links for upcoming services in the next week. Stay tuned to the Update for current information.
Thank you for your flexibility and grace!
Rev. Mary