This week I am so pleased to share an update on the OUUC Listening Initiative from Martha Nicoloff and Helen Henry. Some of you may recall that the Initiative, also known as “Knowing One Another,” started shortly after you called me as your minister in May 2019, to build the capacity for listening. Thank you to Neil Weinberg, Jim Anest, Martha & Helen for bring these important skills of doing and being to our community.
You can hear their update below or at the link here. Thanks to Riley McLaughlin for his recording and editing expertise.
Update on the Listening Initiative from Olympia Unitarian Universalist on Vimeo.
And this week an ad from Germany made me smile, and we could all use some of that right now. Here you can access the Germans’ call to their young people as they respond to COVID-9. Doing and being. (Be sure to watch to the end; the grin is worth it.)
Sending you blessings this week.
Rev. Mary