There is more information below. Here are some things that you can do now:
- Wash your hands often with plenty of soap and water for 20 seconds.
- Monitor your health and stay home if you are sick.
- Check the OUUC website for updates about events and links to current information.
- Check your Realm account to make sure your e-mail is current and that you will receive e-mails from OUUC. We’ll use Realm to communicate widely.
- Contact Caring Friends at if you need help with groceries or other items.
- Connect with your neighbors and friends and keep in touch.
If you attended the services on Sunday, you know that we began by talking about the coronavirus, COVID-19, and the things that we are doing at OUUC to help prevent its spread. I know that is on our minds and hearts as we hear the daily news. Our parish nurse, Ann Yeo, has written more about prevention and current information and it is available here. I wanted to fill you in on a few operational things.
I have been in contact with the Thurston County Health Department and will continue to monitor the county and state sites for current information. Several other folks are helping me with this task as the information changes regularly. We will respond as advised and as needed. My goal is to stay calm and act appropriately, not under-responding and not over-responding.
Events at OUUC will continue as usual unless we are advised to do otherwise or determine that it is wise to cancel events. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. And, if you are in the building, please observe the usual hygiene etiquette, especially around food. There are tissues and hand sanitizers throughout the building and plenty of soap, water, and paper towels. We are cleaning the building with extra care as well.
If there is anyone in the congregation who is confirmed to have the coronavirus, we will inform you right away. If we need to cancel events or close the building, we will notify you through Realm and post it on the OUUC website. We will also post signs on the doors.
This would be a good time to make sure that your Realm e-mail is current and that you are receiving e-mails through Realm. If you need help with this, please ask for help from OUUC staff. You can access the OUUC website and Realm log-in at
We are discussing ways to stream the services and other events as needed. We’ll keep you posted through this newsletter and on the website.
The OUUC staff and I are also monitoring our own health and taking care that we remain healthy, too. We will also follow the protocols to stay home if we feel ill and will post this information if we are away. We will cover essential staff duties and may need to put some non-essential duties on hold. We appreciate your patience as we take care of ourselves as well.
Last, let’s look out for each other. If you know someone in our congregation who is vulnerable to illness, keep in touch and check in. Get to know your neighbors, so you can count on each other. And, prepare. It’s a good idea regardless of what is happening in the world.
And, if you would like support or need help with groceries and such, you can reach out to Caring Friends at You can find more information here.
During this time when there is uncertainty and rapid change, accurate information and calm is key. Please take care and stay in touch.
Blessings on your week,
Rev. Mary