Funding Our Future

We almost made it..
The formal Capital Campaign ended January 31, 2023, and we just cracked half a million dollars. We came very close to our goal of $544,500 but are still $33,160 short. If you haven’t had a chance to make your commitment, you can still donate.
Our goal averaged to a commitment of around $1,000 per member ($2,000 per couple), which can be spread out over the course of 3 years. To clarify, this is not an expectation that all members can or will be able to commit $1,000 – that’s just the average.
Thanks to the wonderful kickoff boost we received from George Lanning and his estate, we started the campaign OVER halfway to our goal of $544,500.
The Captial Campaign Committee and the Board would also like to thank the following members for committing to the Funding Our Future capital campaign:
Ann and Ken Yeo, Bob and Sally Brennand, Rev. Eric and Kathryn Ness, Gary and Sandra Worthington, Ginny Taylor, Gregory Robinson and Karmel Shields, Mark Gray, Helen Henry, Jack and Karen Jackson, Denys & Nancy Curtiss, Jean Phillips, Mary Welsh and Jeff Goltz, Joyce Steckler, Miriam Lorch, Polly Taylor, Linda Crabtree, Rich Kalman, Roger Nielsen, Sally Alhadeff, Holly Porter, Tami Black, Tim and Melanie Ransom, Joe Joy and Susan Southwick, Elizabeth Rodrick, Frank and Aurora Winters, James and Brian Trujillo, Barry and Zibby Zickuhr, John and Rev. Mary Gear, Gail and Fritz Wrede, Ann Rockway, Leslie Romer, Jerald and Susan Dodson, Holly Porter, Lois Grover, In loving memory of George and Arlene Hopper, Pat and Walt Sonnenstuhl, Zoë Myers , Rosalie and Don Melnick, Arlene G. Colerick, Lee Doyle, Karol Erickson, Martha Nicoloff, Martha Guilfoyle and Des McGahern, Bobbie Adams, Tiffany and Eric Felch, Curtis and Wendy Tanner, Mary Wildenhaus, Jason and Alicia Seegers Martinelli, Colleen Morsett, Connie Ruhl, Deb Ross, James and Margaret Knudson, Linda Whitcher, Melissa Denton, Doris Faltys and Barrett Burr, Diana Finch, Suzanne Wilson, Dan Donahue, Otto Buls and Elayne Crow, Penny Chatfield, Sharon and David Love, Jim Lengenfelder and Emily Ray, Gretchen and Carl Faulstich, John and Carol Murphy, Liz Clement, Josie Solseng, Eric Trimble, Sydne Cogburn, Anne Hundley and Tom Hoffer, MEliz Maatta, Debbie Brasher, Janet and Warren Dawes, Linda Selsor and Charlie O’Neill, Barb Carey, Karin Landsberg, Steve Tilley and Chris Parke, Anne and Bill Gernhardt, Anne Kohlbry, Susan and Paul Bakke, Alicia Riegel, Sue Langhans, Judy Talley, Atley and Sheila Ralston, Pat McLachlan, Alice McLaughlin Curtis, Bobbe and Mike Murray, Mary Ann Thompson and Kelly Thompson, Fred and Beatrice Kellogg, Carol Horner, Ryan Baye, Beth Albertson, Shelley and Darryl Kaurin, Alice Curtis, Maggie Post and John Eliasson, Maureen (Mo) Lally, Ari Hall with loving memory of Evelyn Greenberg and Ruth Weber, and Lynn MacDonald. In addition to these members, several wished to remain anonymous.
Our Board has created an excellent informational flyer and FAQ to help clarify any questions you may have. You can also review the OUUC Reserve Study referenced in the information sessions and completed by our Buildings and Grounds committee.
Archived info sessions and events
November 16 – Capital Campaign Q&A
On Wednesday, November 16, Capital Campaign Committee members held a Zoom Question and Answer session about the Capital Campaign.
Songs in the Key of Warm, a Capital Campaign Cabaret!
On Saturday, November 19, talented OUUC members and staff gave us a rollicking fun celebration that made the case for replacing our failing furnaces while performing parodies of classic holiday tunes.