Do you have any collectible books or other collectible items of value you’d be willing to donate to help OUUC?
About 2% of OUUC’s annual budget comes from our ongoing eSale Giving Fundraiser where we sell your erstwhile treasures on eBay and Craigslist. We’ll find new homes for some of that ‘great stuff’ you no longer need, save you the trouble of selling it yourself, and give you a detailed receipt (if needed) for your tax records. Please keep OUUC in mind whenever you’re in the mood to declutter!
To offer a donation, please contact Susan Dodson.
Check out our items currently for sale on eBay and Craigslist.
Many of your generous donations to OUUC’s ongoing eSaleGiving fundraiser find just the right new homes. Mary Walton Cameron’s coin silver beverage service set that had been in her family since 1810, is back in use serving guests of the U.S. Embassy in Dubai. An antique steamer chest found its way to a U.S. soldier returning from Iraq, whose initials are the same “A.J.P.” stenciled on the side of the trunk. A local person finally found a signed copy of her deceased father’s book. The gentleman who purchased the Nielsen’s 1824 engraved German print of “Der Mitag” wrote to tell us a Paper Conservationist had restored the engraving to its former glory. Thank you for trusting us to find loving new homes for your erstwhile treasures – and raise over $100,000 for our beloved Congregation!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How did the eSale Giving fundraiser get started?
A. A couple volunteers had fun selling items left over from OUUC’s 2014 auction on eBay and Craigslist. They researched what would be involved for OUUC volunteers to sell donated items on an ongoing basis and presented the idea to OUUC for approval.
Q. How does the eSale Giving fundraiser work?
A. Basically, OUUC members and friends donate items they no longer need and get a detailed tax receipt (if requested). OUUC volunteers sell your gifts on the world wide web. Your items find a new home and OUUC gets the money!
Q. What types of items can I donate?
A. Originally, we accepted a wide variety of collectible and household items. Now we are mostly selling collectible books, many of which are donated by the larger community. We occasionally accept other items of value that are easy to store and ship – and look like they’d be fun to sell! Let us know what you’d like to donate and we’ll discuss it.
Q. I have collectible books to donate. Should I save them for OUUC’s annual Books, Brownies & Beans sale?
A. We especially enjoy selling collectible books! We now accept book donations almost year-round, screen them for collectible books to sell on eBay, and store most of the rest for our online SUURF or in-person BBB sale. When a book is sold on eBay, the first $3 goes to BBB and the balance benefits the eSale Giving fundraiser.
Q. How long will you accept donations?
A. eSale Giving is an ongoing fundraiser for the church. Please keep OUUC in mind whenever you’re in the mood to declutter!
Q. Can I donate a car or boat?
A. No. State and Federal requirements are very complicated for vehicle donations. However, if you decide to donate the proceeds to OUUC after you sell your vehicle, that would be great!
Q. Will my donation be tax deductible?
A. It depends on your tax situation. OUUC will provide a receipt/ acknowledgement for your tax records (if you request one). You are responsible for meeting IRS rules for valuing your donation.
Q. Are the Internet selling fees high?
A. Selling on Craigslist is free. As a registered eBay Giving Works charity, most eBay selling fees are waived. Fees are paid only when an item sells.
Q. Who can donate items?
A. Anyone can donate! In addition to the many hundreds of items donated by our members, we’ve received several wonderful gifts from neighbors, family members, friends of our members, and the larger community.
Q. I’m in! How do I donate my items?
A. Contact Susan Dodson to discuss what you would like to donate.
Q. What happens if you can’t sell my gift?
A. If an item doesn’t sell and OUUC doesn’t have a use for it, we will pass it on to another local charity. We can only return it to you if you did not request a tax receipt.
Q. Can I sell my item myself and donate all or part of the proceeds to OUUC?
A. Absolutely! We can show you how to designate OUUC to receive a percentage of the proceeds when you sell items on eBay. Your selling fees will be credited back to you for the percent you donate.
Q. Can I donate items instead of pledging?
A. No, please. Proceeds from fundraisers make up only a small and uncertain percent of OUUC’s budget. Your generous annual pledge is, and always will be, vital to sustain our beloved religious community.
Q. Can I buy items given by others?
A. For sure! You can check out the items for sale on Craigslist and eBay.
Q. Will this fundraiser put OUUC’s tax exempt status at risk?
A. We did extensive research and found that as long as we only sell donated items and almost all the work is done by volunteers, our Federal and State tax status will not be impacted. Several other Unitarian Universalist congregations are also registered as eBay Giving Works charities.
Q. Shouldn’t I hang on to my items for the OUUC auction?
A. The items that sell best at OUUC’s annual community auction are social events and member services. With the entire world as our marketplace, we should be able to sell your gifts for more on the world wide web–plus, OUUC will receive the money sooner!
Q. Do you need help selling donated items?
A. If you have online selling experience or want to learn, contact Susan Dodson to let her know you’d like to help.