Dear Team/Committee/Group/Activity Leads,
The OUUC Health & Safety Team has started work to prepare the congregation to resume activities in our church building. While the time when we may once again use the building for meetings, events, and services likely is still far off, and the conditions under which we can do so are still unknown, it is prudent that we begin to look at how “a new normal” may come about and what it might look like. At some point, it is likely that hybrid church services, offering in-person and online attendance simultaneously, will be our norm. We know that we have many challenges and unknowns to resolve before that can happen.
For now, the Health & Safety Team is looking at the conditions under which “small group meetings” (team and committee meetings, adult education classes, and the like) could resume in the building. The H&S Team seeks feedback from you and your team/committee on the following question: