Lee Doyle (She/Her)
I believe in the ability of OUUC to create the world we all want to live in. I found community in OUUC where I could live my values, deepen my personal sense of self, and help expand a vision for positive human outcomes in our congregation and communities beyond.
My experiences as a volunteer and my career in publishing provided many opportunities to help create policies with positive outcomes. I hope to share knowledge gained as a crisis intervener with the Olympia Crisis Clinic and working to eliminate racism as a YWCA board member. I provided marketing direction to construct the Lacey Timberland Regional Library, and many years producing the state EMD Disaster Preparedness Campaign. In addition, I served in state government developing marketing products related to energy conservation, the state growth management act, and historic preservation. For nearly two decades, I managed production systems for community newspapers (Lakewood Suburban Times and SheltonMason County Journal).
I hope to serve the OUUC congregation as we move forward into a new decade of growth and prosperity. My current OUUC activities include the 8th Principal Group as we Bridge and Become; the Vision, Mission, Ends Group to Welcome and Wonder; and the 70th Anniversary Work Group as we Embrace and Empower.
I’ve lived in Tumwater with my partner, Beth Johnson, for 23 years.