In each worship service, we take an offering, exercising the spiritual practices of generosity and gratitude. How we use our money is a way that we express our values and put our faith into action. With our generosity, we transform ourselves and the world.
At OUUC, the Sunday worship service offering is shared between organizations in alignment with our UU values and the operating costs for the congregation. In addition, a small portion of the offering goes to the Minister’s Benevolence Fund so OUUC’s minister can help those in immediate need.
While part of the offering goes to the operating costs of the congregation and is gratefully received, it covers a small portion of those costs. Most operating expenses are covered by the annual pledges from members and friends, generously offered during OUUC’s annual stewardship drive and throughout the year.
Each fall, OUUC’s Share the Plate Team selects recipients for the following calendar year.
Learn more about why we collect an offering here: