As we work our way through this time of transition – from pandemic lockdown through changing restrictions to whatever lies ahead – it is helpful to review our OUUC Agreement for Times of Pandemic in the OUUC Pandemic Manual. This document reminds us why and how we choose to be in this community and what obligations accompany that choice.
Thank you for taking care of yourself and each other.
OUUC Health & Safety Task Force
OUUC Agreement for Times of Pandemic
Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith grounded in the belief that we are all connected and the practice that we make explicit agreements about how to be together. We affirm that our covenants are guided by science and our values.
We, the members, friends, and staff of the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation do affirm that extraordinary times, such as the era of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, call for an explicit and extraordinary agreement as to appropriate behavior among us.
We recognize that our actions directly impact the health and well-being of others. We acknowledge that COVID-19 disproportionately affects people with disabilities, Black people, Indigenous communities, Latinx people, the elderly, and essential workers, a majority of whom are women and women of color. We know that as a religious community, we have a moral responsibility to do all we can to reduce risks for those already at such high risk.
For that purpose, we agree that:
* Because our preeminent concern is for the health and safety of the community…
we will follow the guidance provided by the minister and staff regarding use of the building and grounds that reflects the known science and best practices to promote health and safety as gathered by congregational advisory groups, such as the Capacity Task Force. Such practices include, but are not limited to, use of masks, social distancing guidelines, room and group capacities, and symptom monitoring. In the absence of such guidance, we will follow that provided by the State of Washington’s governor and Department of Health.
* Because we choose to walk together we promise to…
accept the responsibility to stay abreast of guidance from the church regarding the best practices to promote health and safety by frequently monitoring church information sources (website, Tuesday Newsletter, and onsite signage). When in doubt we will consult with staff.
We also reaffirm the OUUC Covenant, with special reference to the following portions:
* Because we need not think alike to love alike, we promise to…
speak and work openly, honestly, and lovingly with our leadership, providing informed,
constructive feedback when we believe change is needed.
* Because we recognize that conflict is normal we promise to…
speak with each other directly and honestly from a position of respect, kindness, and love, recognizing that to do so, there will be times we need to seek counsel from the community.