- Books Brownies and Beans – An annual book sale to raise funds for organizations addressing the problem of homelessness.
- Giving Tree – This is an opportunity to give something extra during the holidays to help people who are struggling. Contact Church Administrator, Darlene Sarkela.
- Green Sanctuary – The Green Sanctuary Committee works on a broad range of environmental-related projects within the congregation and in the wider community. The Green Sanctuary webpage can be seen here.
- Justice not Jails – JnJ advocates for reform to the criminal justice and immigration systems. Contact Steve Tilley.
- Share the Plate – Most Sundays, half of the collected offering is given to a local organization that serves Olympia’s well-being in keeping with our UU principles. Contact Erik Felch. Click here to see list of recipients since September, 2004. Click here to nominate a recipient.
- Welcoming Congregation – OUUC affirms, welcomes, and celebrates the presence of gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons. Our members, carrying the congregation’s banner, join gay pride parades and rallies, and are active participants in the ongoing work in the state legislature for marriage equality and full legal rights of GLBT persons. Read more here.