Summer is almost here! It feels like we are starting to cautiously re-engage with more in-person events right now, while also still needing to feel safe and make the decision that is right for our families. I imagine this summer will be a patchwork quilt of home-based and community-based activity, with some hanging out time with close friends and lots of time outdoors …. A healthy summer mix for us all.
The religious education camps that are being offered this year reflect that mix of virtual and in-person learning opportunities. First up, the PNW congregations are collaborating on offering The Univelerian University of Wizarding Arts (Wizard camp!), June 27th-July 2nd. It will be a virtual camp, with participants from all over the PNW coming together for fun and learning. Unitarian Universalist values will be explored in the form of the “Five Jagged Rocks”. Registration is open now
In July there is an in-person camp in town being organized by Interfaith Works and hosted by Temple Beth Hatfiloh. Interfaith camp is a chance for kids from different faith traditions, and from no-tradition, to form interfaith community and learn about the different faiths in our larger community from volunteers who come in to teach about their own tradition. It’s lots of fun too! July 26-30th, Registration is open now
And then in August there will be two more virtual camps offered by the PNW collective of congregations. “Rainbow Path camp” will be for the younger kids, and will teach the 8 Principles as colors of the rainbow. And for the slightly older kids there will be a return of Minecraft Camp, which was a big hit last year. Each day will be a blend of online and self-paced activities. August 16-20. Registration is open now
I hope some of these offerings fit into your plans for a fun and healthy summer. I also hope that everyone gets outside, makes time for just chilling, and meets up with friends. And I look forward to being back with the OUUC community (possibly in person) in September and hearing all about your summer adventures.