A sabbatical is an extended time away for clergy renewal, a common practice in many denominations, including Unitarian Universalism… My colleagues who have taken sabbaticals talk about returning with new energy, commitment, enthusiasm, and ideas.”
–Rev. Mary, Spark article 3/7/24
Click here to read Rev. Mary’s full message about her upcoming sabbatical from The OUUC Spark! on 3/7/24: Pull and Rest: Sabbatical and Renewal.
About the Sabbatical
The Rev. Mary Gear will be taking a sabbatical from June 16 to October 31, 2024. Sabbaticals are a vital and necessary element of healthy long-term ministries. Rev. Mary’s employment contract with OUUC clearly defines the frequency, length and purpose of sabbaticals as part of her overall compensation package, however, it is much more than a contractual matter. Due to the unique nature of ministry, those who have ‘accepted the call’ benefit from time away for deep reflection, study, rest and discernment. The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association guidelines call for ministers to accrue one month of sabbatical for each year of service, with sabbaticals being taken every five to seven years. This sabbatical will take place in Rev. Mary’s fifth year of service to OUUC and discussions with the OUUC board began in August 2022.
A ministerial sabbatical isn’t solely for the benefit of the person taking time away. It’s also an opportunity for the congregation to live into our mission and vision, as well as examine our processes, separately from our minister’s direct participation. It’s a chance to strengthen our shared ministry and can be a time of reflection and transformation for all. Ministerial sabbaticals ground both minister and congregation, allowing us to look ahead together with a renewed sense of shared purpose and responsibility.
Sabbatical Minister

The Sabbatical Committee is pleased to announce that the OUUC Board has hired Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen as our half-time sabbatical minister, to serve during Rev. Mary’s sabbatical.
Rev. Monica is delighted to join OUUC as the half-time sabbatical minister while Rev. Mary Gear is away. She has been serving as the consulting minister, focusing on offering support in the areas of governance and stewardship, along with preaching every other month. During Rev. Mary’s sabbatical, Rev. Monica will continue to work with the board, will lead worship once per month and otherwise generally support the Worship Arts Team, and will provide support to OUUC’s staff.
Rev. Monica’s Unitarian Universalist roots are deeply entwined with Pacific Northwestern UUism, spiced with experiences of UUism in other regions. She became a UU in the Corvallis, Oregon, congregation, and has interned, guest preached, and served in a variety of congregations in Oregon and Washington. Following her ordination, she served a 300-year-old congregation in Massachusetts for three years before returning to the northwest to serve part-time at Community UU Church in Pasco, Washington. Recently she offered sabbatical ministry for her home congregation in Corvallis during their minister’s time away.
Rev. Monica and her family lived in the Olympia area for two years, from 2021-2023, and became connected with OUUC during that time. They relocated last year to the Vancouver, Washington, area to raise their daughter near her grandparents but are still fond of Olympia and OUUC and enjoy visiting.
On behalf of the OUUC Board, Sabbatical Committee and congregation, Welcome, Rev. Monica.
Contact List
All daily, weekly and monthly operations will continue at OUUC during the sabbatical period. To assist the congregation in knowing who to contact while our settled minister is away, the Sabbatical Committee has created a Contact List. This document clearly defines who to contact for the various ministry areas and operations of our congregation.
Hold the Dates
- June 16, 2024 — Sabbatical Send-Off Celebration
- August 25, 2024 (11:30 am – noon) — Mid-Sabbatical Congregational Check-In
- November 3, 2024 — Welcome Back Celebration
Sabbatical Committee
A Sabbatical Committee was charged by our Board to support Rev. Mary, the Board, staff, and congregation. Our committee’s purpose is to plan and prepare the congregation for the sabbatical period. We will remain active throughout Rev. Mary’s sabbatical to connect congregants and others with the OUUC resources they need to ensure our shared ministry remains vibrant and effective. Committee members are Dan Donahue, Tiffany Felch, Kirsten Hill, Curtis Tanner, and Polly Taylor. To contact the Sabbatical Committee, please use our email address: Sabbatical@OUUC.org
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Sabbatical?
Sabbaticals are a vital and necessary element of healthy long-term ministries. Due to the unique nature of ministry, those who have “accepted the call” benefit from time away for deep reflection, study, rest and discernment. The Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association guidelines call for ministers to accrue one month of sabbatical for each year of service, with sabbaticals being taken every five to seven years. This sabbatical will take place in Rev. Mary’s fifth year of service to OUUC and discussions with the OUUC Board began in August 2022.
When is Rev. Mary’s sabbatical?
June 16 – October 31, 2024 (4½ months)
Who will preach at Sunday services?
Sunday services will continue seamlessly with our wonderful OUUC Worship Arts Team in collaboration with a half-time Sabbatical Minister: Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, our Director of Community and Faith Development: Rev. Sara Lewis, our Affiliated Community Minister: Rev. Carol McKinley, our Music Director: Troy Fisher, and/or a guest minister, on occasion. Rev. Mary is working on making sure there are skilled and inspiring speakers every Sunday while she is away.
Who will provide pastoral care to individuals?
Our OUUC Pastoral Care Team will continue to provide support to members and friends in need. The Rev. Carol McKinley will support the Pastoral Care Team during the sabbatical period. Rev. Monica may also be available to assist with pastoral care needs, however she will be half-time, therefore we understand her availability will be less than our full-time settled minister.
Who will oversee operations?
A half-time Sabbatical Minister, Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, will oversee operations at OUUC in collaboration with our Staff team.
We have such a strong staff team and Worship Arts Team, do we really need to hire a half-time Sabbatical Minister?
Yes, we are very lucky to have a strong staff! And, they also need support. Rev. Mary performs administrative and governance work behind the scenes and oversees staff and operations. We are cognizant to ensure that none of our staff become overworked or overwhelmed during the sabbatical period. Rev. Monica will carry on this work to ensure OUUC continues to carry out our mission and vision. Through our shared ministry, we all ensure that OUUC will thrive during times of transition this summer and beyond.
What happens if a member dies?
Our half-time Sabbatical Minister, Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, will be the point of contact. She may collaborate with our Affiliated Community Minister, Rev. Carol McKinley. Rev. Monica will also decide about contacting Rev. Mary.
What about weddings, memorials, child dedications, etc.?
The plan is that there will be a central place for triage of requests, starting with the Sabbatical Minister. If the ritual can wait until Rev. Mary’s return, so be it. If not, a sub will be proposed which may be the Sabbatical Minister, Rev. Carol or another minister. Rev. Sara will likely hold a new member welcome service during the sabbatical period.
I’m feeling worried/fearful/unsure about what will happen during this time.
This is such a normal, human reaction to change large or small. Let’s acknowledge our feelings throughout this process. <Deep breath> We members and friends of OUUC like to know what to expect and who does what, when & how. Your Sabbatical Committee has you covered. We have been working hard to anticipate needs and prepare the congregation for smooth transitions. From the creation of a contact list, holding forums, our email address for any questions, our webpage and kiosk, there are many ways to engage with the process and hopefully have your feelings acknowledged.
What if Rev. Mary decides not to come back?
Rev. Mary has shared that she has no plans to leave OUUC in the near future. In fact, it is through investing in her sabbatical that OUUC ensures her ministry continues to be healthy and personally fulfilling. Some may be reassured to know that there is language in our ministerial contract that requires our minister to stay at least 1 yr after a sabbatical. We heard that some people felt worried at a recent after-church forum when Rev. Mary mentioned deciding about “your next minister”, we heard that too. In discussions about budget, growth and future planning, Rev. Mary is considering both the short-term and long-term health of OUUC. It may be useful to know that the average length of a UU settled ministry is 6 years, some are shorter and some are longer.
How will my committee/project continue its work in our minister’s absence?
Committees and Teams have been working on planning for the upcoming Sabbatical period and have been creating work plans and processes to ensure smooth transitions. If you have questions before June 16, work directly with Rev. Mary on your specific needs. If your issue arises during the Sabbatical period, please refer to the Contact List, Sabbatical Minister, or Sabbatical Committee. Shared Ministry at OUUC means we are stronger together and more than the sum of our parts.
How can I support Rev. Mary during her sabbatical?
All are welcome to a send off celebration on June 16. Cards & letters will be collected to show our care and support to Rev. Mary as she embarks on her sabbatical. In addition, we can all show up and pitch in on existing committees, teams and classes- or try something new! It is through Shared Ministry that we grow our connections and capacity in our beloved community.
What are Rev. Mary’s plans while she is away?
Rev. Mary has shared that she will spend time traveling, visiting with family, studying on various topics related to her ministry, as well as spending time on silent retreat for deep reflection and discernment.
How can I participate in the spirit of renewal?
All are welcome to participate in the spirit of renewal and reflection on shared ministry and our beloved community at OUUC. We will have opportunities to explore together during worship. In addition, individuals and/or small groups may wish to explore further. Read a book that deepens your understanding of your own spiritual practice. Lend a hand to assist where you can. Say ‘hi’ to someone you do not yet know, helping both of you feel more connected to our community.
What if I have more questions? Or my question was not covered here?
This is far from a complete list of any questions, concerns, thoughts and feelings! This list will be updated as needed as any other topics arise. Please feel free to send an email to Sabbatical@ouuc.org with any specific or general follow-up questions. We may not always know the answer right away, but we are well-positioned to get you the answers you seek. Thank you for taking the time to read our FAQ!