Our Share the Plate recipient for May and June is Quixote Communities, which provides permanent supportive housing in tiny house villages for people experiencing homelessness. OUUC has a long history with Quixote. In February 2007 a group came to the Board and asked that OUUC shelter a homeless encampment that was being moved from a downtown location. The board reached consensus to agree, and that decision was followed by an overwhelming vote of the congregation to offer shelter for 90 days.
The first “Camp Quixote” location was in the wet, in the yard of what was then the Annex that housed another shelter, Out of the Woods. Wood chips were brought in to try and improve the situation, but it was a pretty humble beginning. As the 90 days came to an end, we worked to find another host and United Churches stepped up to be the next host. For several years, Camp Quixote moved from faith community to faith community, every 90 days. You can read more about this here: Spring 2014 Special Edition 26.6 MB (ouuc.org)
Now, Quixote Village has a permanent home on Mottman Rd, and is building two more permanent communities in Pierce and Mason Counties. You can read more about their work here: PANZA DBA QUIXOTE COMMUNITIES – Our Communities
During these two months, please give generously, as it is gratefully received.