I have been thinking a lot this month about our spiritual theme of “bridge” and what it means as part of OUUC’s mission to “welcome and wonder, embrace and empower, bridge and become.” As I wrote at the beginning of the month, bridges are about tension. Yes, they connect, which is often lovely, and they do so under tension. When we say that we “bridge” we sign up to live in tension.
One of the tasks of a religious community is to help us live in tension, in this imperfect world holding on to our aspirations, in times of uncertainty holding on to hope. In community, we learn and practice the skills of centering, grounding, patience, and listening. We learn how to notice beauty and joy amidst despair, and how to practice hope. These skills help us bridge what is to what can be.
For many of us, Summer is a time of bridging. This is the name of how we honor our young people transitioning from high school to what comes next; more about “bridging” here.
Summer is also a time of transition for those of us who work with congregations. We reflect on the past year and look forward to the next one. (Congregational “years” traditionally follow the school year of September through June.) This Summer is no different. Over the next two months, OUUC staff and volunteers will be reflecting on the past few years and planning for the next year. We will also be taking time away to rest and rejuvenate, returning with fresh energy and perspective.
Toward that end, we’ll experience a Worship Collaborative and guest speakers this Summer. The Spark will take a break, returning in September. And you’ll find away messages for some of us when you reach out. We’ll be back soon ready to work in the fall to create a world that is loving, just and healthy.
In this time of transition and bridging, may you find what you need. Blessings on your Summer.
Rev. Mary