Submitted by Chris Parke
As part of the congregation’s process toward new, invigorating statements of Vision, Mission, and Ends, OUUC members and friends are invited to take part in an upcoming Cottage Meeting.
What Is a Cottage Meeting?
Check out this video from Board President James Trujillo to learn more about cottage meetings:
What Can I Expect at an OUUC Cottage Meeting?
Some meaty questions have emerged from the initial round of input, through surveys and one-on-one conversations. To help you think and prepare for your cottage meeting, here are questions that have been identified:
How will OUUC invite seekers to a safe place of personal belonging, meaning-making, and purpose?
How will OUUC create connections that authentically engage an intentionally diverse membership?
What qualities and commitments will OUUC be known for, in the wider community?
What values are at stake for OUUC, when it comes to how the Congregation operates as an organization?
One of the main purposes of these Cottage Meetings, even more than generating input, will be to practice constructive engagement around guiding values. To support constructive engagement, groups will agree on ground rules. You might think of what group rules would help you take part. Some samples:
“Everyone speaks for themselves, using “I” statements”;
“For each question, people will speak a second time only after everyone else has either spoken or passed.”
Your cottage meeting will have a chance to come up with group rules.
How Can I Sign Up for a Cottage Meeting?
Meetings are being scheduled for different days and times, so you can find a meeting that works for you. Please do NOT sign up for the same meeting as your partner or your friends. This is an opportunity for us to hear opinions and ideas that are different from our own. We will have a chance to practice being curious as we hear differences. Our final product will be richer because of our openness to share and to hear others.
Join us as we explore and discuss our future vision, our future mission, our future ends! Add your unique voice and ideas to our exploration !
Click here to sign up for a Cottage Meeting. You will receive a reminder notice before the meeting, along with the Zoom link. Thank you for your support of our community!