The OUUC Environmental Action Team has brought you various challenges over the past year to reduce your impact on Earth’s resources and lessen the severity of the Climate Crisis. We hope you have found them helpful! For Earth Month we are challenging you to go out and help the local environment:
• join a work party to remove invasive plants or to plant and restore native habitat- for example, look up Stream Team, Native Plant Salvage, Capitol Land Trust, Nisqually Land Trust, and local parks departments for dates
• pick up litter in your neighborhood or at a local park
• take a child for a walk in the woods and let them explore nature – teach them the value of the natural world
• join a rally or the Interfaith Works Celebration for Earth Day, April 23rd, 1:00 pm at Woodruff Park
• join the Earth Day Market Bike Ride, on April 23rd (
• write a letter to local government officials urging them to work harder on the Thurston Climate Action Plan
We hope these connections with the Earth will inspire you to continue to find ways to “Respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”