Last Sunday we held our New Year’s Ritual, after snow had delayed it from it’s originally –planned date. The new year and a new calendar give us a time that can feel like a natural fit for new beginnings, a chance to release what we don’t want anymore and go forward with new intentions. But, truly, every day gives us that opportunity, and you can welcome new beginnings whenever you like.
So if you missed the ritual on Sunday, you can still sit down and take some time to release what you don’t want to carry forward anymore. Write it down and burn it, or just wad it up into a ball and throw it into the recycling (with style!). Let that stuff go. And then set some intentions for the next year. What do you want in your life in 2022? Write that down and hang it somewhere you can see it everyday.
May we all meet each day with deep intention, as we each live our one wild and precious life.
A Note of Thanks:
Thank you to everyone who helped make Sunday happen! Curtis Tanner and Barry Zickuhr, thank you for the fire pits. Gail and Fritz Wrede, thank you for the hot beverages. And for help setting up and staffing worship stations: Anne Kohlbry, Emi Allen, Marie Arensmeyer, and Anissa Bentlemsani. Thank you all!