As I shared earlier this month, I’ll be on sabbatical from Feb 1st to May 1st. The question I’ve been getting the most is: “what will you be doing while you’re on sabbatical?”
Well, I’m not going very far, as travel and retreat center options are more limited with covid. I’m going to be doing a solo retreat in Feb. and March, focused on reading, journaling, sitting, and thinking. My family has a very simple little cabin on Henderson Inlet, which has no wifi, very little cell signal, and no distractions. I’m going to be going out there each day to be alone. I’m really looking forward to this time, and I hope to be able to read all the books I’ve had sitting in my to be read pile!
While I’m away, the ministries and programs I normally take care of will be shepherded by some wonderful people. First, our RE Assistant, Anissa Bentlemsani, will be taking care of our youth programs and putting on some multigenerational events. She will also be providing administrative support for adult education and covenant circles. We also have a Sabbatical Team who are volunteering to help make sure this sabbatical absence goes smoothly. The members of the team are: Karmel Shields, Tim Ransom, Steve Tilley, Jen Sabel, Pat Sonnenstuhl, Gary Worthington, and Tiffany Felch. If you need anything that you would normally bring to me, you can reach out to these folks while I’m gone.
For those of you who don’t know Anissa, we made this video to introduce her to you all.
I still have one week here with you all before the sabbatical, so feel free to reach out if you have a question or a specific concern about my absence.