Unitarian Universalists honor and celebrate a wide range of holidays and occasions over the course of a year. Unlike other faith traditions that use a single lectionary (a collection of scripture readings appointed for a given day or occasion), the topics and themes for Unitarian Universalist worship services are usually chosen independently by worship leaders in congregations. These include unique UU traditions, like the Flower Ceremony (pictured above), as well as holidays from other faith traditions, such as Christmas, Beltane, or High Holy Days.
At OUUC, we usually begin the program year (which is the school year) with a Water Communion Service in September. We usually end the program year with a Flower Communion Service in June. In between, we tend to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, New Years, MLK Holiday, and Easter. You might also hear other holy days mentioned, like Passover, Ramadan, or Holi.