Worship services are held every Sunday at 9:00 AM (onsite only) and at 10:45 AM (onsite and online, links below).
Click here for more details on the new schedule.
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Our spiritual practice for March is Trust.
Sunday, March 30, 2025:
“Visible and Invisible” with Rev. Mary Gear
March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility, when we raise awareness about transgender people and celebrate the diversity of life and in our community. Come hear stories of transformation and justice.
12:15 pm Forum (onsite & online): Supporting Transgender Individuals and Communities with Rev. Mary Gear, Rev. Sara Lewis, & Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee
Our spiritual practice for April will be Joy.
Sunday, April 6, 2025:
“Grant Me Serenity” with Rev. Michael Walker
Lutheran theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, wrote the now famous Serenity Prayer. The short-form of the prayer is widely used on posters and in meetings, and have been adopted by some Twelve Step programs as a mantra: “…[G]rant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, / Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” In this sermon, we will use the whole prayer as a starting point to discuss approaches to less-than-serene events in recent weeks, in this, our new post-election America.
12:15 pm Forum (onsite & online): “Know Your Rights” Training with SWIFT (Siding With Immigrant Families Together)
Sunday, April 13, 2025:
“A Theology of Trophic Cascades” with Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen
Ecology teaches us that one change in an ecosystem creates many more and bigger changes that ripple out, as all the parts of the ecosystem affect each other. What does this offer to us to help our understandings of ourselves, our world, and the changes we can make?
12:15 pm Forum (onsite & online): Meg Martin from Interfaith Works
Click here for a preview of more upcoming services.
Sunday, April 20, 2025:
“Fear and Great Joy” with Rev. Mary Gear
Details to come.
There will be no After-Service Forum on April 20th — Happy Easter!
Sunday, April 27, 2025:
with Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee
Details to come.
12:15 pm Forum (onsite & online): with the OUUC Board
You have two options to attend OUUC Online Services (10:45 AM worship and 12:15 PM forum):
Join us on Zoom to interact with the community
Dial: +1 253 205 0468 US (or find your local number here)
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Passcode: 2306
One tap mobile: +12532050468,,873210124#,,,,2306# US
Or watch the LiveStream on YouTube
Sharing from the Heart
Do you have something that you’d like to share with the congregation during our Sharing from the Heart ritual? This might be an event in your life or a transition of some kind. If so, please email Minister@ouuc.org by 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening for inclusion in the Sunday service. If received after that, we will share it the next Sunday.